How To Declutter Clothes


Decluttering your wardrobe can be a feat that is hard to accomplish, however, it's an important job that probably needs to be tackled. Maybe you already know that you need to declutter your clothing, but you can’t bring yourself to get rid of it. However, that skirt that you bought 5 years ago with the tags still on it, deserves a new loving home. If you are tired of looking into your closet and staring into the chaos of the cluttered mess, it is time to start the decluttering process. After you declutter your wardrobe, you know that the items left in your closet are pieces that you’ll love to wear. A decluttered closet can reduce your stress and anxiety about finding outfits that you feel comfortable in and that you love. Although it does take time to actively declutter your wardrobe and can seem daunting, it does come with several benefits that will help you in the long run. 

Keeping your closet clean and decluttered may be one of the most difficult home organizations tasks, which is why this guide can help out. We have compiled a list of 10 different tips and tricks to help you declutter your clothing. 

How To Declutter Clothes 

Allocate a Time Frame for Decluttering

The process of decluttering your closet and overall wardrobe is a very time-consuming project, so it’s important to allocate a specific time to declutter. Sometimes you may need to make changes in your everyday schedule to prioritize the decluttering process. It is also important to remember that it is not realistic to get everything done in one day without feeling overwhelmed and anxious about the whole process. Following through with your set time for decluttering can make the entire process less daunting and easier to handle. 

A helpful trick is to set “decluttering sessions” and make sure that you stick to them. It’s like setting a recurring meeting with your clothes.These sessions are a set schedule that can help you get in the right mindset to start the decluttering process without the feeling of anxiety sneaking up on you. This schedule can be any timeframe that works best for you. It doesn't have to be hours at a time, it can be as little as 10 minutes a day. As long as you stick to your set schedule, the decluttering process can be relaxing and rewarding all at the same time.   

Remove Everything From The Closet Before You Start

Take out everything from your closet and put it on your bed or your floor. Removing every item from your closet ensures that you will have to sift through all of your clothing. Everything living on your floor or your bed forces you to have to decide what you are going to do with each item. You must resist the urge to put anything back into your closet if you haven’t worn it in a long time, if it still has the tags on, or if it doesn’t fit you properly. This means that the only items that make it back into your closet are pieces that you know you will wear and have done so in the recent past. 

Closets tend to become a dumping ground for all of the clothing we own. If you can’t remember wearing something or it’s never had its big debut, it shouldn’t have a place back in your closet.

Group Clothes in Categories 

Another tip to help you declutter your wardrobe is to sort your clothing into different categories. This tip is best to do after you have taken all of your clothes out of your closet. There are four main categories that you should sort your clothes into before deciding what you are going to do with them. These four categories are keep, try-on, donate and seasonal. Breaking down your clothing into these categories will help you decide where these clothes fit in your life. If some items of clothing do not fit into one of these categories, then they most likely should be tossed in the garbage. To organize your clothes you can either use empty storage bins or empty laundry baskets and if you don’t have any of these containers, piles on your floor will work too. 

Here is how you can sort your clothing into each of the four categories:

  • Keep - make sure you ask yourself a couple of important questions such as: does this fit properly? Have I worn it in the last year? Is it still in good condition? If any of the answers to these questions is a no, then it is time that you consider putting it in another category
  • Try on - Once you finish putting all of your clothes into the four piles, try on all of the clothing items that are in the try-on pile. Trying on the clothes that you are unsure about after you’ve sorted through your wardrobe is much easier and quicker than doing it as you sort through. Anything that you are still unsure of or that does not fit comfortably should filter down into the donate pile.
  • Donate - clothes that are unworn or unwanted should find their way into the donate pile. All of these unwanted pieces of clothing end up cluttering your closet, so donating it to someone who will appreciate it will help to declutter your closet and fill up theirs!
  • Seasonal - seasonal clothing that can only be worn in one specific season doesn’t need to take up precious space in your closet. Items such as jackets or dresses do not need to be in your closet when their season's time has passed. You can store these clothes in storage bins or under bed boxes and you can take them out when it’s time to wear them again.

  • After you do this process of decluttering your closet, you can do the same thing with your wardrobe and your drawers. 

    How To Donate Clothes

    Sell Items 

    If you are worried about all of the money that you spent on clothing items that you have never worn and still have the tags on, you can try to sell them instead of donating them. The decluttering process can be very time-consuming and frustrating, so earning a little bit of money after your hard work can be very rewarding. After sorting your clothes into four different categories, you can sift through your donation pile and see what is in good enough shape to sell to someone else.

    There are a variety of different ways that you can sell your clothes online and in person. You can post your clothes on online platforms for buying second-hand items such as Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji, or even eBay. If you want to sell your clothes on a platform specifically for selling clothing, shoes, and accessories, you can use the platform Poshmark. If you are not comfortable with selling your decluttered closet clothes online, you can sell them to your friends or have a garage sale. Another option for in-person selling is to bring it to a thrift store that will pay you for some of your clothing, such as Plato’s Closet. Although places like this won’t pay you much, you will still get something for the clothes that you will no longer have cluttering up your closet. 


    After you finish your decluttering process you will most likely have a massive pile of clothes that you will want to donate. Before you decide to donate your clothes, you must ask yourself a few questions like “do I have something similar or better?”, “Can I see myself wearing this?”, “have I worn this in the last year?”, “does it fit/am I comfortable in it?”. These are all important questions to ask yourself before donating your clothes because you don’t want to regret it after it’s already done. If you regret donating something at the end of the decluttering process, it will deter you from decluttering again because you won’t want to regret another donation. 

    However, donating the clothes that you are not going to keep can be very rewarding. Bringing the clothes that you will no longer be using to thrift stores can be very helpful to people who cannot afford to buy brand-new, full-price clothes from stores. Thrift stores can also be a hotspot for people who love to go thrifting to find diamonds in the rough. Another place that you can donate your clothes is to homeless shelters, women’s shelters, or other relief organizations that are also looking for donations. This option comes with the bonus of knowing that the clothes that you will no longer be wearing are going to someone else who needs them more than you do.

    How To Declutter Clothes

    Use a Maybe Box

    Another trick that you can use when you are decluttering your closet is to use a maybe box. When decluttering your clothes put any item of clothing that you are not sure of in a maybe box and pack it away. After you pack the box full of clothes, make sure that you seal it with trusty packing tape and put it somewhere that’s out of sight and out of mind. After doing this, set a reminder on your phone, or if you like doing things old-school, mark it in your physical calendar, for 1 to 3 months. When this reminder goes off or you see it in your calendar, ask yourself 3 questions:

    1. Have I needed anything in this box in the past few months?
    2. Have I wanted anything in this box in the past few months?
    3. Have I even thought about anything in this box in the past few months?

    If any of the answers to these questions are no, then it is time to get rid of the clothes that were stored away in that box because you’ll know that you will be just fine without them. Using a maybe box is a great tool to use when you are decluttering your wardrobe because it proves that you don’t need all of the clothes that have been sitting in your closet for months or years without being worn.  

    Reverse Hanger Trick 

    The reverse hanger technique is another trick to help you declutter your closet. After you finish your decluttering process, use the reverse hanging trick to maintain your perfectly decluttered closet in the long term. To do the reverse hanger trick you need to follow 2 simple steps:

    1. Reverse all of your hangers in your closet 
    2. Once you wear something and wash it, put it back in your closet on a hanger facing the correct way 

    Using this technique helps you to visualize what items of clothing you are actually wearing, and which ones you haven’t worn in a long time. This also takes away the guessing game of having to remember the last time you wore something or if you have even worn something at all. Doing this every few months and donating the clothes that have not been worn in those past few months will help you to consistently keep your closet decluttered. 

    Give Yourself Deadlines For Repairs 

    Many times the things that are cluttering up our closets or our drawers are clothing items that need to be repaired. One thing that you can do in the decluttering process is to give yourself deadlines for repairs. Often, we hold onto clothes that are damaged or in need of repairs, thinking we will get around to fixing them eventually. However, this can lead to a cluttered closet filled with clothes that are never worn because they are no longer in a condition that should be seen outside of your room. To avoid the cluttered mess of unwearable clothing, you can set aside time to go through your clothes and make a pile of items that need repairs. This might include items with missing buttons, tears, or stains that need to be removed. 

    Once you have your pile of clothing that needs some kind of repair, set a deadline for yourself to complete these repairs. This could be a week or a month, depending on the number of repairs that need to be done and what works best with your schedule. Setting a deadline and giving yourself a specific goal to work towards can help you to stay motivated to complete the repairs and clear out your closet. When you have completed the repairs, it’s important to take a moment to evaluate each item of clothing that was repaired to wearable conditions. If it is still in good condition and you know that you will wear it, return it to your closet. If it is not something you will wear, consider donating or recycling it to clear up even more space in your closet. Sticking to your repair deadlines 

    Repeat Decluttering Process 

    Decluttering your closet can be a great way to create more space, simplify your life, and reduce stress. However, it can be challenging to keep your closet organized and clutter-free over time. One way to avoid clutter from building up again is to repeat the decluttering process regularly. Depending on the original process and tips and tricks that you used, you can either repeat the same process or try a new one. 

    To repeat the decluttering process, set a reminder to go through your closet every few months or at the change of each season. This can be a good opportunity to assess what you have worn and what you haven't, and to identify any items that no longer fit, are damaged, or are no longer your style. As you go through your clothes, consider donating or selling items that you no longer wear or need. This can help you to keep your closet organized and reduce the amount of clutter over time.

    Another way to repeat the decluttering process is to adopt a one-in, one-out rule. This means that every time you purchase a new item of clothing, you must get rid of one item from your closet. This can help you to keep your closet organized and prevent it from becoming overwhelmed with too many clothes. By regularly decluttering your closet and adopting simple rules, you can keep your space organized, functional, and stress-free.

    How To Declutter Clothes

    The Benefits of Decluttering Clothes

    Numerous benefits come from decluttering your closet. Although the process may not be the easiest or the most fun, the result can leave you feeling relaxed and happy to be looking at a closet that is no longer scary to see every morning. The benefits of decluttering your clothes far outweigh any negative feelings that you may have towards the process. We have compiled a list of the four main benefits of decluttering your clothes:

  • Going for a more put-together look instead of looking like you just rolled out of bed and just wearing something for the sake of wearing it (which is what we’ve become accustomed to in the past couple of years).  
  • It makes it quicker to find clothes to wear because there is less you have to look through 
  • Makes it easier to decide what to wear every day because there is less in your closet to have to decide from
  • Easier to keep on top of the laundry because there are fewer clothes that you have to wash and you will always have clean clothes to wear

  • The Common Problems When Decluttering Clothes 

    Although decluttering your clothes can be a fulfilling experience, it does come with some common problems that are not fun to face. When these problems arise, it is important to remember that you have to power through them. It may be hard to stay motivated when you run into problems while decluttering, but the result is what you have to keep in mind because it will be worth it. We have compiled a list of the four most common problems that people run into when decluttering their clothes:

  • You don’t have time - it’s important not to try and declutter your entire wardrobe in one go. Instead, separate your clothing into different categories and decide to tackle one category at a time. These smaller chunks of clothing are easier to get through and not as overwhelming. 
  • You can’t make up your mind - if you are having trouble deciding on what to do with specific clothing items, pull out your maybe box. Using the maybe trick will help decide on what to do with those items of clothing that are too hard to decide on at the moment. 
  • You’re feeling guilty - you may feel guilty and wasteful getting rid of a bunch of clothes because you feel like it’s a waste of money. What is a waste of money are the clothes that sit in your drawers or your closet and are never worn. It is better to donate these clothes to someone who will appreciate them and will get their use out of them. 
  • Clothes that don’t fit - if your clothes are not fitting right at the time of the decluttering, get rid of them. Seeing all of the clothes in your wardrobe that do not fit you is not good for your self-esteem so it is time to get it out of there. 

  • How to Be Ruthless When Decluttering Clothes

    Leaving you with a wardrobe of clothes that you love to wear and will wear is why it is important to be ruthless when you are decluttering your clothes. Decluttering clothes can be a daunting task, but being ruthless can help you get through it quickly and efficiently. Here are some tips to help you be ruthless when decluttering your clothes:

  • Set a goal: Before you start decluttering, set a goal for how much you want to get rid of. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the process.
  • Sort clothes by category: Start by sorting your clothes into categories such as tops, pants, dresses, and so on. This will make it easier to see what you have and identify duplicates.
  • Be honest with yourself: Ask yourself if you need or love each item. If the answer is no, it's time to let it go.
  • Use the "one-year rule": If you haven't worn something in over a year, it's time to get rid of it. This rule helps you let go of items that you may be holding onto for sentimental reasons.
  • Consider the fit: If something doesn't fit well or is uncomfortable, it's not worth keeping. Be ruthless and get rid of it.
  • Have a donate or sell pile: As you declutter, create a pile of items that you can donate or sell. This will help you feel better about getting rid of things because they will be going to a good cause or making you some extra cash.
  • Use the "one in, one out" rule: Once you've decluttered, commit to only bringing new items into your closet when you're willing to get rid of something else.

  • Remember, being ruthless doesn't mean you have to get rid of everything. Keep the items that you truly love and wear, and let go of the rest. Happy decluttering!


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