What are Laundry Detergent Sheets?

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Laundry. That inevitable chore we cannot avoid no matter how we may try. As your family grows, so does the washing pile. It seems neverending! Add in sticky detergent bottles or messy laundry powder boxes and the task can seem insurmountable. Cleaning up one lot of mess shouldn’t make another, right? Not to mention the huge number of harsh ingredients regular detergents expose us to. So what is the solution? Laundry detergent sheets. What actually are laundry detergent sheets I hear you ask? Let’s find out. 

What Are Laundry Detergent Sheets?

Laundry detergent sheets are all the necessary cleaning ingredients suspended in a dissolvable and biodegradable resin that you simply add to your usual wash cycle in the same way as powders or liquid detergents. But without the chemical or environmental footprint. 

Sheets, liquid and powder are all detergents, but not all are made equal. Liquid and powder detergents are found in just about every house around the globe. For decades they’ve been sold to us as the ultimate solution to banishing dirt and grime from our linens, towels and clothing. While they may be effective in this promise, the way in which these results are achieved is truly concerning.

Why Choose Laundry Detergent Sheets?

If the chemical cocktail of your standard detergent hasn’t already put you off, there are other great reasons to choose laundry detergent sheets. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • No mess, perfectly measured, effective detergent in one sheet. Simply pop in your regular wash and you’re done.
  • No harsh chemicals are just one part of Kind Laundry’s commitment to health and the environment. The total lack of plastic in packaging, even shipping materials, means zero waste. 
  • Fragrance-free, dissolvable and with no fillers. No residues left on clothes means no headache-inducing synthetic smells or skin irritation. 
  • Easily transported for those who use laundromats or travel frequently. Lightweight and compact they also cannot make a mess en-route.  

Laundry Detergent Sheets – Ingredients

Unlike standard, supermarket variety of detergent can contain over 25 harsh chemical ingredients, laundry detergent sheets contain only simple ingredients to clean your clothes. Here are all of them:

  • Dodecanol, a fatty acid derived from natural coconut oil, this is a surfactant or detergent that cleanses your washing. 
  • Polyglycol Ether, a gentle solvent that dissolves the dirt and stains from your clothing, also derived from coconut. 
  • Polyvinyl Alcohol, PVA is a colorless, water-soluble synthetic resin that we use to create the laundry detergent  sheets. It bonds the ingredients into one completely dissolvable and powerful cleanser. 
  • Water. We use just 15% water in our product, compared with competitor products which can be as much as 70% water or higher. Thoughtfully, we use deionized water, which prevents salt and mineral build-up in your washing machine. 

Are All Laundry Detergent Sheets Created Equal? 

The short answer is no. Many laundry detergent sheet options are promoted as being eco friendly and using biodegradable ingredients. Often they are in fact ‘Green Washing’. Green Washing refers to companies who claim to be environmentally friendly, but actually arent when under the microscope. They capture your buying power through carefully skewed and deceptive marketing. 

For many ‘eco-conscious’ laundry detergent sheet brands, their product still is packaged in plastic. While the plastic components may be listed as recyclable, according to National Geographic ‘Less than a fifth of all plastic gets recycled globally. In the U.S. it’s less than 10 percent.’ So recyclable isn’t the solution to a eco-friendly future. Zero waste laundry detergent is the only way forward.

In addition to plastic, many laundry detergent sheet brands use filler ingredients such as starch. This leaves residues on your clothes and can clog up your washing machine over time. Some leading brands also have up to 14 ingredients in their laundry detergent sheets! Kind Laundry has just four. Proving that less is more, our cleaning power is just as effective without unnecessary additives. 

Change The Way You Wash

Make the switch to Kind Laundry Detergent Sheets and say goodbye to skin-irritating and dangerous chemicals in your wash. In doing so you’ll also be supporting the reduction of up to 700 million plastic detergent jugs that go into US landfill alone each year. Add to that the ability to be completely free of environmental guilt with no risk to marine environments. It’s a winning solution all round. 

Don’t sacrifice clean laundry for a clean environment. You can have the crisp, fresh laundry you want without sending damaging chemicals down the drain. Perfect for every household, laundry detergent sheets are the no mess, no waste, effective and environmentally friendly solution you’ve been dreaming of. 

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